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In scala 2.13, why is it sometimes impossible to summon type class explicitly? - Part 2

This is a follow up question of In scala 2.13, why is it sometimes impossible to summon type class explicitly?:

The following code can compile properly:

  import shapeless._
  import record._
  import syntax.singleton._

  val book =
    ("author" ->> "Benjamin Pierce") ::
      ("title" ->> "Types and Programming Languages") ::
      ("id" ->> 262162091) ::
      ("price" ->> 44.11) ::

  val v1 = book.values

  assert(v1.head == "Benjamin Pierce")

  case class HasValues[T <: HList: TypeTag](v: T) {

//    def vs(implicit v: Values[T]) = v // doesn't work
    def vs(implicit v: Values[T]): Values.Aux[T, v.Out] = v // works

  val _vs = HasValues(book).vs

  val v2 = book.values(_vs)

  assert(v2.head == "Benjamin Pierce")

While the following code, which is syntactically identical in both compile time and run time, failed the compilation:

  import shapeless._
  import record._
  import syntax.singleton._

  val book =
    ("author" ->> "Benjamin Pierce") ::
      ("title" ->> "Types and Programming Languages") ::
      ("id" ->> 262162091) ::
      ("price" ->> 44.11) ::

  val v1 = book.values

  assert(v1.head == "Benjamin Pierce")

  case class HasValues[T <: HList: TypeTag](v: T) {

    type TT = T

  val hv = HasValues(book)

  val _vs = implicitly[Values[hv.TT]]
  val _vs2: Values.Aux[hv.TT, _vs.Out] = _vs

  val v2 = book.values(_vs2)

  assert(v2.head == "Benjamin Pierce")


[Error] /home/peng/git-spike/scalaspike/common/src/test/scala/com/tribbloids/spike/shapeless_spike/RecordProblem2.scala:41: could not find implicit value for parameter c: shapeless.ops.hlist.IsHCons[com.tribbloids.spike.shapeless_spike.RecordProblem2._vs2.Out]
one error found

In addition, the following line seems to be very boilerplate-y. Ideally I think the compiler should be able to figure out the refinement on itself, considering that this is totally an upcast:

  val _vs = implicitly[Values[hv.TT]]
  val _vs2: Values.Aux[hv.TT, _vs.Out] = _vs

Why the second one failed the compilation, and furthermore, how to get rid of that boilerplate duck type declaration? (Of course, without modifying the signature of the class HasValues)


  • implicitly can corrupt type refinements. Use shapeless.the instead.

    The code

    val hv = HasValues(book)
    val _vs = the[Values[hv.TT]]
    val _vs2: Values.Aux[hv.TT, _vs.Out] = _vs
    val v2 = book.values(_vs2)
    assert(v2.head == "Benjamin Pierce")


    Scala compiler expand types


    val hv = HasValues(book)
    val _vs2 = the[Values[hv.TT]]
    val v2 = book.values(_vs2)
    assert(v2.head == "Benjamin Pierce")


    val hv = HasValues(book)
    val v2 = book.values
    assert(v2.head == "Benjamin Pierce")


    Also notice that you can replace

    def vs(implicit v: Values[T]): Values.Aux[T, v.Out] = v


    def vs(implicit v: Values[T]): v.type = v