I want to register and use File Beats as a windows service.
so, I ran the service registration script provided on the official website, but an error occurred.
error : PSSecurityException (UnauthorizedAccess)
My system os version is Windows 10 and I want to install version 7.10.0 of Filebeat
Please give me some advice.
First, you must set execution policy to obtain permissions
You can try this:
PS> Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Now, you can use the provided powershell script.
PS> .\install-service-filebeat.ps1
You have to start the service after execute the script.
PS> Start-Service filebeat
If you want to remove the execution policy, use this command:
PS> Set-ExecutionPolicy Undefined
I checked that this command able to used with Filebeat 7.10.0 and Windows 10 Environment.
Thank you. Have a nice day :)