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Functional Component's props in Higher Order Component

I am trying to understand passing the functional component's props to the returned functional component

**CODE ------------------------------------------------

App Component:

import React from 'react';
import ClickCounter from './ClickCounter';

const App = () => {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <ClickCounter firstName="John" lastName="Doe"/>

export default App;

ClickCounter Component:

import React from 'react'
import withCounter from './withCounter'

const ClickCounter = (props) => {

  const { count, incrementCount, name } = props

  return (
    <div className="click-counter">
      <button onClick={incrementCount}>Click Button</button>

export default withCounter(ClickCounter, 10)

withCounter Component (HOC)

import React, { useState } from 'react'

const withCounter = (WrappedComponent, incrementNumber) => {
  return props => {           // ** A **
    console.log('props  ---- ', props)
    const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

    return (
      <WrappedComponent.      // ** B **
        incrementCount={() => setCount(count + incrementNumber)}

export default withCounter

From my understanding, the withCounter return a functional component (A) that use useState Hook and and it return another component (B) which access the state through closure.

** QUESTION -------------------------------------------

My question is why the props in A is firstName="John" lastName="Doe", is it a React thing or Javascript's thing.

Does React pass the parameter's props (i.e wrapped component's props) to the returned functional component? or it is a Javascript's thing?

i read it in another post saying it is related to curry, but i cannot see it is related to curry, below is the post i read

HoC with React Hooks

const useSample = WrappedComponent => props => { // curry
  const sampleCtx = useContext(SampleCtx);
  return (

Thank you!!


  • My question is why the props in A is firstName="John" lastName="Doe", is it a React thing or Javascript's thing.

    This is because that's the props you passed to your Counter. Attributes on a component are props passed to functional components. This is a React thing.

    <ClickCounter firstName="John" lastName="Doe"/>

    When you put the component ClickCounter in your tree, it's actually just withCounter(ClickCounter, 10) being called, since that's your default export.

    withCounter is a function that returns another function (curry) that takes props and returns a component. This is the setup for a functional component.

    React runs this function and passes the props firstName="John" lastName="Doe" to that function. Then, those props are added to your WrappedComponent via the spread operator {...props}.