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Why do Python and Fortran77 return different values for this fraction?

Long story short, I'm trying to rewrite in Python a Fortran77 code my advisor sent me, as Python is more convenient for me. While I was testing my code, I realize my outputs were slighlty different from the Fortran code. And it seems all of this stems from some rounding errors or whatnot in Fortran.

For instance, the fraction 277./14336. in Python returns:

> 0.019321986607142856

But in Fortran77 I get:

program foo
  implicit none
  real*8 x
  write(*,*) x
end program
> 1.9321987405419350E-002

So these numbers are equal up to the 8th significant digit, which in general should be good enough. But there are some finely tuned cancellation my code (precisely of order 1 part in 10^8) when I try to evaluate the numerical accuracy, so the error estimate from Fortran is sometimes twice as much as from the Python code.

What is going on? First I thought it's because Fortran was running in 32 bits while Python ran in 64 bits. But I got the same result when I ran a 32-bit version of Python (although I'm not sure it made a difference since I was still using a 64-bit OS) and I read that real*8 in Fortran means 8-byte precision, or 64 bits. Is there a fundamental difference in the representation of floating point numbers in Python and Fortran?


  • Python's answer is more accurate.

    In Fortran you're assigning the result to a 64-bit float, but the inputs are 32-bit floats. Therefore, the division is done in 32-bit mode, and the result is then widened to 64 bits in the assignment.

    Use 64-bit floats in the calculation and you should get the proper result.

    $ cat div.f90
    Program div
      Use, Intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, Only :  wp => real64
      Implicit None
      Real( wp ) :: x
      x = 277.0_wp / 14336.0_wp
      Write( *, * ) x
    End Program div
    $ gfortran -Wall -Wextra -std=f2008 -fcheck=all div.f90 
    $ ./a.out