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Fortran best way to improve write to file speed for large arrays

I have a very large array size of 20,000,000 that I would like to write to a file, unformatted. It is an autocorrelation function.

It is pretty quick using the -O4 optimization compilation flag without the writing to file. But as soon as i write to file it seems like it would take over a day to finish.

At the end is the f90 program. Below is the outputs without writing to file and with writing to file.

It's clear that writing single element of an array takes around 10ms.

20,000,000 x 0.01 = 200,000 seconds = 3,333 minutes = 55 hrs

How is it possible that it takes this long to write to a file when reading only takes 45 seconds? And what can I do to improve the speed?


System: Ubuntu 20.04

Compilation line: fortran -o acorr.exe -O4 acorr.f90

No File Write

elapsed time for reading:    43.4389992    
 Size of Jx:     20000000
 Loop Start Time:    43.5009995    
 correlation time magnitude 1e0 elapsed time:    43.5009995    
 correlation time magnitude 1e1 elapsed time:    43.5009995    
 correlation time magnitude 1e2 elapsed time:    43.5009995    
 correlation time magnitude 1e3 elapsed time:    43.5009995    
 correlation time magnitude 1e4 elapsed time:    43.5009995    
 correlation time magnitude 1e5 elapsed time:    43.5009995    
 correlation time magnitude 1e6 elapsed time:    43.5029984    
 correlation time magnitude 1e7 elapsed time:    43.5190010    
 elapsed time:    43.5369987  

With File Write

 elapsed time for reading:    43.6349983    
 Size of Jx:     20000000
 Loop Start Time:    43.6949997    
 correlation time magnitude 1e0 elapsed time:    43.7319984    
 correlation time magnitude 1e1 elapsed time:    43.8969994    
 correlation time magnitude 1e2 elapsed time:    45.4980011    
 correlation time magnitude 1e3 elapsed time:    61.5289993


    real:: a,b,c,d, sum, mean, var
    integer:: i,j, jsize,beginning, rate, end, end1
    real, dimension(20000000):: Jx, Jxm, corr
    integer:: skip_lines = 4
    call system_clock(beginning, rate)
    !reading file
    open(10, file='DiamHeat.log', status='old')
    do i = 1,skip_lines
    end do
    do i = 1, 20000000
        read(10,*) a, b, Jx(i), c, d
    end do
    call system_clock(end)
    print *, "elapsed time for reading: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)
    !finished reading

    open(20, file='acorr.txt', form='UNFORMATTED')
    jsize = size(Jx)
    print *, "Size of Jx: ", jsize
    !print *, dot_product(Jx(10:jsize),Jx(1:jsize-10))

    !calculate mean
    mean = sum(Jx)/jsize
    Jxm(:) = Jx(:)-mean

    !calculate variance
    var = dot_product(Jxm,Jxm)/jsize
    !begin autocorrelation calc
    call system_clock(end1)
    print *, "Loop Start Time: ", real(end1 - beginning) / real(rate)
    do i =0,jsize-1
        corr(i+1) = dot_product(Jxm(i+1:jsize),Jxm(1:jsize-i))/var/(jsize-i)

        !clock timing
        if(i == 1) then
            call system_clock(end)
            print *, "correlation time magnitude 1e0 elapsed time: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)
        else if(i == 10) then
            call system_clock(end)
            print *, "correlation time magnitude 1e1 elapsed time: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)
        else if(i == 100) then
            call system_clock(end)
            print *, "correlation time magnitude 1e2 elapsed time: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)
        else if(i == 1000) then
            call system_clock(end)
            print *, "correlation time magnitude 1e3 elapsed time: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)
        else if(i == 10000) then
            call system_clock(end)
            print *, "correlation time magnitude 1e4 elapsed time: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)
        else if(i == 100000) then
            call system_clock(end)
            print *, "correlation time magnitude 1e5 elapsed time: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)
        else if(i == 1000000) then
            call system_clock(end)
            print *, "correlation time magnitude 1e6 elapsed time: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)
        else if(i == 10000000) then
            call system_clock(end)
            print *, "correlation time magnitude 1e7 elapsed time: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)
        end if 

    end do
    write(20,*) corr
    call system_clock(end)
    print *, "elapsed time: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)


  • As @francescalus commented, the compiler seems to be skipping over doing the calculation unless it is used for another purpose. Adding the

    print*, sum corr 

    after the loop seems to make the program compute the dot product in the loop. This just takes a long time but it is computing at best capacity.

    Thanks again @francescalus