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Fail instead of Warning when no hosts are matched

when you don't have any hosts in inventory, when running playbook there is only warning:

[WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all'

Is there a way to make that Error instead of Warning?

I find out that there is this parameter in ansible.cfg:

unparsed_is_failed = True

but it will only return error when there is no inventory file which you are trying to use. It didn't look into content.


  • One simple solution is:

    1. Create the playbook "main.yml" like:
    # Check first if the supplied host pattern {{ RUNNER.HOSTNAME }} matches with the inventory
    # or forces otherwise the playbook to fail (for Jenkins)
    - hosts: localhost
        - "{{ jsonfilename }}"
        - name: "Hostname validation | If OK, it will skip"
            msg: "{{ RUNNER.HOSTNAME }} not found in the inventory group or hosts file {{ ansible_inventory_sources }}"
          when: RUNNER.HOSTNAME not in hostvars
    # The main playbook starts
    - hosts: "{{ RUNNER.HOSTNAME }}"
        - "{{ jsonfilename }}"
        - Your tasks
    1. Put your host variables in a json file "var.json":
        "RUNNER": {
            "HOSTNAME": "hostname-to-check"
            "CIAO": "CIAO"
    1. Run the command:
    ansible-playbook main.yml --extra-vars="jsonfilename=var.json"

    You can also adapt this solution as you like and pass directly the hostname with the command

    ansible-playbook -i hostname-to-check, my_playbook.yml

    but in this last case remember to put in your playbook:

    hosts: all