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How can i remove the Azure WebApp AppSetting WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE

when I delete the AppSetting "WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE" in my Azure Webapp (Linux), it is there again after refreshing.

I can delete other AppSettings without problems, but this particular entry keeps coming back.

This is how I proceed. I delete the setting "WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE" via the trash can button, click on Save (then the entry is gone), then I click on Refresh and then the entry shows up again.

Has anyone had this problem and can help me?


  • Please try deleting that specific app setting via the command line.

    az webapp config appsettings delete is the Azure CLI command:

    az webapp config appsettings delete --name <your-webapp-name> --resource-group <resource-group> --setting-names <setting-names>

    P.S.: You can use the Azure Cloud Shell if you do not have Azure CLI installed on your machine.