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XCode build error: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_FIREmailAuthProviderID"

I have been trying to integrate FirebaseAuth based on following guide:

As I only have enabled Sign-in with Google, I have added pods like,

  pod 'FirebaseUI/Auth'
  pod 'FirebaseUI/Google'

And installed Pods from Terminal.

When Pods get installed properly, I opened workspace, cleaned build (also removed contents from DerivedData) and tried to build the app for Simulator which gave me error and my build failed.

Error: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_FIREmailAuthProviderID", referenced from ...

Full error log and screenshot is attached below.

Full error log

I have also tried to integrate full Pod, like,

pod 'FirebaseUI'

That too gave me build errors.

I have tried other solutions available online but this library is integrated via CocoaPods and few online solutions are not applicable to my scenario. However, I have not yet reached to any solution for the issue.

Please let me know if there is any solution to this issue or not. I will also try to integrate this framework manually.

I am using XCode 12.


  • As mentioned on this issue comment:

    pointing to latest pods resolved the issue.


    pod 'FirebaseUI/Auth', '~> 8.0'