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Custom Provisioner for storage class

I'm working on a project and encountered some issues. I'm still a beginner with Kubernetes and need some help regarding that.

The code from helm config is as follows:

    storageClass: aws-efs
    provisioner: someCustomName

I'm unable to figure out the provisioner part there's some custom name written instead of the usual storageclass provisioner such as So, is it a custom provisioner? or it's some different concept? Please, guide me!

I've searched a lot but unable to get anything on this.


  • If the provisioner is prefixed with like azure-file it means that it is an internal provisioner plugin. But it is valid to use an external provisioner as well.

    You are not restricted to specifying the "internal" provisioners listed here (whose names are prefixed with "" and shipped alongside Kubernetes). You can also run and specify external provisioners, which are independent programs that follow a specification defined by Kubernetes. Authors of external provisioners have full discretion over where their code lives, how the provisioner is shipped, how it needs to be run, what volume plugin it uses (including Flex), etc. The repository kubernetes-sigs/sig-storage-lib-external-provisioner houses a library for writing external provisioners that implements the bulk of the specification.

    Also see more about the AWS EFS CSI driver