I am trying to migrate my tests for a ViewModel
from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5, and use MockK in conjunction. In JUnit4, I have made use of rules--namely rules for RxJava2, LiveData, and Coroutines within one test, and it has worked well. Here's how I use them:
class CollectionListViewModelTest {
val mockitoRule: MockitoRule = MockitoJUnit.rule()
val taskExecutorRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()
val rxSchedulerRule = RxSchedulerRule()
val coroutineRule = MainCoroutineRule()
lateinit var getAllCollectionsUseCase: GetAllCollectionsUseCase
private lateinit var SUT: CollectionListViewModel
fun setUp() {
SUT = CollectionListViewModel(getAllCollectionsUseCase)
In trying to migrate to JUnit5, I learned that Rules are now Extensions, and after searching I have pieced together replacements for the previous rules I used, and having replaced Mockito with MockK, I have tried to replace Rules with Extensions in this manner:
class CollectionListViewModelTest {
lateinit var getAllCollectionsUseCase: GetAllCollectionsUseCase
private lateinit var SUT: CollectionListViewModel
fun setUp() {
SUT = CollectionListViewModel(getAllCollectionsUseCase)
However, I am getting an error saying that the getMainLooper
isn't mocked, which is the same error encountered if not using the InstantTaskExecutorRule in JUnit4:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Method getMainLooper in android.os.Looper not mocked. See http://g.co/androidstudio/not-mocked for details.
What is the proper way of using multiple Extensions in Junit5?
Instead of using @Extension
, I should have used @ExtendWith
in this manner:
@ExtendWith(value = [InstantExecutorExtension::class, MainCoroutineExtension::class, RxSchedulerExtension::class])
Or in an even shorter manner:
@ExtendWith(InstantExecutorExtension::class, MainCoroutineExtension::class, RxSchedulerExtension::class)