I want to get data from nba site to create shot chart. I get it from this site https://datavizardry.com/2020/01/28/nba-shot-charts-part-1/?fbclid=IwAR3BheHQkSAmCJRr_z7ux1ygbspLjLdrvTRjWAVHOrr2BPvVh7jsIos_e9w and my code looks like this:
from nba_api.stats.endpoints import shotchartdetail
import json
import pandas as pd
response = shotchartdetail.ShotChartDetail(
season_type_all_star='Regular Season'
content = json.loads(response.get_json())
results = content['resultSets'][0]
headers = results['headers']
rows = results['rowSet']
df = pd.DataFrame(rows)
df.columns = headers
# write to csv file
df.to_csv(r'C:\Users\Comp\Desktop\nba_2001-02.csv', index=False)
It is working but in this article when I download example data from the beginning, the Author in data gets info about missed shots too, when I run my code I get only data about shots made. Is it possible to get info about missed shots too or nba not shares this data anymore?
The package by default (likely its been updated since the article) is set to only return shots where a point was scored, so you need to change that parameter to not be points, but rather field goal attempts, since that will return made and missed shots:
response = shotchartdetail.ShotChartDetail(
context_measure_simple = 'FGA', #<-- Default is 'PTS' and will only return made shots, but we want all shot attempts
season_type_all_star='Regular Season'
also, I'd add one more thing into the dataframe, so that you have the columns by name, as opposed to a number:
results = content['resultSets'][0]
headers = results['headers']
rows = results['rowSet']
df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=headers) #<-- add the columns parameter
df.columns = headers