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How to translate a union inside a struct from c++ to python with SIP?

I answered this question explaining how to translate a union from c++ to python with SIP (unions are not automatically supported).

When I use this type of wrapping for a union inside an existing struct I get the following error message when I try to build with sip-install (I renamed 'wrapped_u' to 'u' and 'test_u' to 'type_u'):

error: field 'u' has incomplete type 'type_u'


note: forward declaration of ‘union type_u’.

Here it the c++ header file:

struct myType{

    enum {CHAR, INT, DOUBLE} tag;
    union type_u{
        /* tag = CHAR */
        char char_value;
        /* tag = INT */
        int int_value;
        /* tag = DOUBLE */
        double double_value;
    type_u u;
    void print_my_type() const;

and this is the SIP file:

struct myType{

    enum tag {CHAR, INT, DOUBLE};

    struct union_wrapper /PyName=type_u/
        #include <test_struct_union.h>

        struct union_wrapper
             union type_u u;

        // tag = CHAR
        char char_value {
            sipPy = PyUnicode_FromString(&(sipCpp->u.char_value));
            if (PyUnicode_Check(sipPy))
                sipErr = 1;
        // tag = INT
        int int_value {
            sipPy = PyLong_FromLong(sipCpp->u.int_value);
            if (PyLong_Check(sipPy))
                sipErr = 1;

        // tag = DOUBLE
        double double_value {
            sipPy = PyFloat_FromDouble(sipCpp->u.double_value);
            if (PyFloat_Check(sipPy))
                sipErr = 1;

    void print_my_type() const;

Does someone know how to solve this?

Thank you in advance!



  • Unions are supported since Sip version 6.0.0.

    Thank you for the quick integration Riverbank Computing.

    Hopefully the manual way to do the translation will not be necessary any more.