In my angular application, I consume an excel file return from the web API core. I also set a file name in the content-disposition header in the API method. But I can't get the content-disposition header from API. How to solve this problem.
Api method code is:
public async Task<IActionResult> ExportToExcelAsync(int id, int rId)
var Details = await _Service.GetDetails(id, rId);
var excelFile = exportToExcel.ExportExcel(Details ,
var content = excelFile.ToArray();
var actualFile = Details.DocumentName;
Response.Headers.Add("x-file-name","" + actualFile + ".xlsx");
Response.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", "" + actualFile + ".xlsx");
return File(
"" + actualFile + ".xlsx");
In my angular side code:
this.Service.ExportToExcel(Id,rId).subscribe((response) => {
var contentDisposition=response.headers.get('content-disposition');
this.file= contentDisposition.split(';')[1].trim().split('=')[1];
}); }
You can try to specify the headers which need to be exposed to the client while you enable CORS in your ASP.NET Core WebAPI backend app, like below.
.WithExposedHeaders("x-file-name", "Content-Disposition")