I am using npm grunt-cache-bust
for cache busting static files.
I have following folder structure
- app
- scripts
- app.js
- app.config.js
- controllers
- controller1.js
- controller12.js
- index.html
- Gruntfile.js
In gruntfile.js i have added basic configuration
cacheBust: {
taskName: {
options: {
assets: ['dist/scripts/**'],
jsonOutput: true,
createCopies: true,
deleteOriginals: false
src: ['dist/index.html',]
It busts the file given in src but does not replace the reference in index.html
Is there something am I missing?
I ran into a similar issue and it was because the paths of my imports in my index.html did not have the form dist/scripts/**
, but scripts/**
. I solved it using specifying a baseDir for the file I want to be busted and cwd for the files which need their references updated:
cacheBust: {
taskName: {
baseDir:'<%= somedir %>/',
deleteOriginals: true
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: '<%= somedir %>/',
src: ['index.html']