I have a dataset like below
employee | Supervisor |
A | B |
B | C |
D | E |
F | B |
G | F |
In this data set I want to access each employee one by one when I give a supervisor as input. for an example if I pas B as the input first get A and go B like that till the end and then comeback to F, then go to G. I want to get them in a order so that I have to apply some data of the top most supervisor to the whole data set. Thank you in advance.
This is how I understood the question; the first column (employee
) shows all employees who are subordinate to the supervisor (c
in this example), while path
shows ... well, the path that leads from chosen supervisor to that employee.
SQL> with dataset (employee, supervisor) as
2 (select 'a', 'b' from dual union all
3 select 'b', 'c' from dual union all
4 select 'd', 'e' from dual union all
5 select 'f', 'b' from dual union all
6 select 'g', 'f' from dual
7 )
8 select
9 employee,
10 supervisor,
11 ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(employee, ' - '), ' - ') as path
12 from dataset
13 start with supervisor = 'c' --> this is the supervisor you're interested in
14 connect by supervisor = prior employee;
- - --------------------
b c b
a b b - a
f b b - f
g f b - f - g
If you want to "loop" through employees, then you'll need PL/SQL and ... well, a loop. Something like this:
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> declare
2 l_supervisor varchar2(1) := 'c';
3 begin
4 for cur_r in
5 (with dataset (employee, supervisor) as
6 (select 'a', 'b' from dual union all
7 select 'b', 'c' from dual union all
8 select 'd', 'e' from dual union all
9 select 'f', 'b' from dual union all
10 select 'g', 'f' from dual
11 )
12 select
13 employee,
14 supervisor,
15 ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(employee, ' - '), ' - ') as path
16 from dataset
17 start with supervisor = l_supervisor
18 connect by supervisor = prior employee
19 )
20 loop
21 -- you'd do something with this employee; I'm just displaying it
22 dbms_output.put_line('Employee = ' || cur_r.employee);
23 end loop;
24 end;
25 /
Employee = b
Employee = a
Employee = f
Employee = g
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.