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Get the subordinate list of values from a table where the employee and supervisor is mentioned

I have a dataset like below

employee Supervisor

In this data set I want to access each employee one by one when I give a supervisor as input. for an example if I pas B as the input first get A and go B like that till the end and then comeback to F, then go to G. I want to get them in a order so that I have to apply some data of the top most supervisor to the whole data set. Thank you in advance.


  • This is how I understood the question; the first column (employee) shows all employees who are subordinate to the supervisor (c in this example), while path shows ... well, the path that leads from chosen supervisor to that employee.

    SQL> with dataset (employee, supervisor) as
      2    (select 'a', 'b' from dual union all
      3     select 'b', 'c' from dual union all
      4     select 'd', 'e' from dual union all
      5     select 'f', 'b' from dual union all
      6     select 'g', 'f' from dual
      7    )
      8  select
      9    employee,
     10    supervisor,
     11    ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(employee, ' - '), ' - ') as path
     12  from dataset
     13  start with supervisor = 'c'                 --> this is the supervisor you're interested in
     14  connect by supervisor = prior employee;
    E S PATH
    - - --------------------
    b c b
    a b b - a
    f b b - f
    g f b - f - g

    If you want to "loop" through employees, then you'll need PL/SQL and ... well, a loop. Something like this:

    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> declare
      2    l_supervisor varchar2(1) := 'c';
      3  begin
      4    for cur_r in
      5      (with dataset (employee, supervisor) as
      6          (select 'a', 'b' from dual union all
      7           select 'b', 'c' from dual union all
      8           select 'd', 'e' from dual union all
      9           select 'f', 'b' from dual union all
     10           select 'g', 'f' from dual
     11          )
     12        select
     13          employee,
     14          supervisor,
     15          ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(employee, ' - '), ' - ') as path
     16        from dataset
     17        start with supervisor = l_supervisor
     18        connect by supervisor = prior employee
     19      )
     20    loop
     21      -- you'd do something with this employee; I'm just displaying it
     22      dbms_output.put_line('Employee = ' || cur_r.employee);
     23    end loop;
     24  end;
     25  /
    Employee = b
    Employee = a
    Employee = f
    Employee = g
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.