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How to add function for QT-Designer Push Button

I am working on QT Designer to build GUI App. I want to ask how add command for push button. For example I want to apply this action :

self.NfmtLoginButton.clicked.connect(lambda: SecondScript.printme(self.NfmtPasswordEntry.text()))

Is it possible through the QT Designer. to be permanently saved. and no need to add all the commands again when generating new python script file from UI file.


  • No, it's not possible, but that should not be a problem, as the files generated using pyuic should never, ever be modified (the warning in those files is not to be undertaken).

    Those files should always be left unmodified and only updated again with pyuic, as they are only meant to be imported in the actual program file, as explained in the official guidelines about using Designer (the "multiple inheritance approach is generally the most suggested).