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Looping through a List<T> in batches while ensuring items per batch are unique

Context: I have an application that allows the user to process all the mailed-in payments received that day. Sometimes an envelope may include multiple checks for the same account (think two roommates each paying their portion of a utility bill).

Restrictions: Process all the payments in batches of 10 but the Account ID must be unique per batch.

Very simplified Payment class:

public class Payment
    public int AccountId { get; set; }
    // ... other properties not important

A hypothetical collection of payments received in the mail today. Notice that the last two AccountId values are acceptable duplicates:

List<Payment> payments = new List<Payment>()
    new Payment() {AccountId = 1 },
    new Payment() {AccountId = 2 },
    new Payment() {AccountId = 3 },
    new Payment() {AccountId = 4 },
    new Payment() {AccountId = 5 },
    new Payment() {AccountId = 1 }, // Duplicate Account
    new Payment() {AccountId = 2 }  // Duplicate Account

    // likely hundreds more unique accounts, possibly even some more duplicates...

I'm using MoreLinq to try to select distinct accounts per batch but this code below is clearly not going to work. I feel like I'm close but have been unable to find a working solution. Again, the goal is to split all the payments into batches of N without duplicating the AccountId in that batch. Duplicate AccountIds must be spread across other batches so they don't cause a race condition when trying to update the customer's balance.

Edited code comments for clarity.

int batchSize = 10;
var paymentTasks = new List<Task>(batchSize);

// This linq expression is the heart of my question: How to divide the payments
// into batches while ensuring uniqueness of a particular key(s). This expression
// is close, but the DistinctBy() is obviously excluding the duplicates that
// I just intend to be distinct for that Batch(batchSize).
foreach (IEnumerable<Payment> batchOfPayments in payments.DistinctBy(a => a.AccountId).Batch(batchSize))
    // The rest of this method is for context only


    foreach (Payment payment in batchOfPayments)
        // Async method implementation not important
        Task paymentTask = ProcessPaymentAsync(payment);

    // Await all the tasks in this batch to complete before starting the next batch
    await Task.WhenAll(paymentTasks);

Thank you for your time and for looking at my question.


  • If I completely understand the problem, then there are many ways to do this and the best solution would depend on your actual needs.

    The assumptions are :

    1. What you have described is an in memory approach
    2. It doesn't need to hit a database
    3. It doesn't need to be producer consumer.

    Then a very simple (yet efficient) batch and queue pattern can be used with minimal allocations.


    public class Payment
       public int AccountId { get; set; }
       public Payment(int accountId) => AccountId = accountId;


    public static IEnumerable<Payment[]> GetBatches(IEnumerable<Payment> source, int count)
       var hashset = new HashSet<int>(count);
       var batch = new List<Payment>(count);
       var leftOvers = new Queue<Payment>();
       while (true)
          foreach (var item in source)
             // check if batched
             if (hashset.Add(item.AccountId))
                batch.Add(item); // add to batch
                leftOvers.Enqueue(item); // add to left overs
             // if we are at the batch size start a loop
             while (batch.Count == count)
                yield return batch.ToArray(); // return the batch
                // check the left overs
                while (leftOvers.Any() && batch.Count != count)
                   if (hashset.Add(leftOvers.Peek().AccountId)) // check the batch
                   else break; // we still have a duplicate bail
          if(batch.Any()) yield return batch.ToArray();
          if (!leftOvers.Any()) break;
          source = leftOvers.ToList(); // allocation  :(

    Note : This is fairly resource efficient, though it does probably have an extra unnecessary small allocation when dealing with pure leftovers, I am sure this could be removed, though I'll leave that up to you. There are also many efficiencies you could add with the use of a channel could easily be turned into a consumer


    var list = new List<Payment>() {new(1), new(2), new(3), new(4), new(4), new(5), new(6), new(4), new(4), new(6), new(4)};
    var batches = GetBatches(list, 3);
    foreach (var batch in batches)
       Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ",batch.Select(x => x.AccountId)));


    1, 2, 3
    4, 5, 6
    4, 6

    Full demo here to Play with