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When a variable change in a C# console application, the connection automatically change


Console.WriteLine("Set firstValue");
decimal first = Convert.ToDecimal(Console.ReadLine());

first variable

Console.WriteLine("Set Changeable Value");
decimal changeable = first + 5;

The second value depends on the first value:

Console.WriteLine("Set firstValue again");
first = Convert.ToDecimal(Console.ReadLine());

When changing the first value, change automatically changeable value. But I want to use the observer and strategy design pattern and really I mess up.


  • There is an example of the observer pattern in C# on Wikipedia:

    public class Payload
        public string Message { get; set; }
    public class Subject : IObservable<Payload>
        public IList<IObserver<Payload>> Observers { get; set; }
        public Subject()
            Observers = new List<IObserver<Payload>>();
        public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<Payload> observer)
            if (!Observers.Contains(observer))
            return new Unsubscriber(Observers, observer);
        public void SendMessage(string message)
            foreach (var observer in Observers)
                observer.OnNext(new Payload { Message = message });
    public class Unsubscriber : IDisposable
        private IObserver<Payload> observer;
        private IList<IObserver<Payload>> observers;
        public Unsubscriber(IList<IObserver<Payload>> observers, IObserver<Payload> observer)
            this.observers = observers;
   = observer;
        public void Dispose()
            if (observer != null && observers.Contains(observer))
    public class Observer : IObserver<Payload>
        public string Message { get; set; }
        public void OnCompleted()
        public void OnError(Exception error)
        public void OnNext(Payload value)
            Message = value.Message;
        public IDisposable Register(Subject subject)
            return subject.Subscribe(this);

    Below is a test of the above code in action.

    private void TestObserver()
        var subjectState1 = "Initial Update";
        var subjectState2 = "Second Update";
        var subjectState3 = "Last Update";
        var subject = new Subject();
        Log("Updated subject to '" + subjectState1 + "'");
        var observer1 = new Observer.Observer();
        var observer2 = new Observer.Observer();
        var ob1Unobserve = subject.Subscribe(observer1);
        var ob2Unobserve = subject.Subscribe(observer2);
        Log("Ob1 val: " + observer1.Message);
        Log("Ob2 val: " + observer2.Message);
        Log("Updated subject to '" + subjectState2 + "'");
        Log("Ob1 val: " + observer1.Message);
        Log("Ob2 val: " + observer2.Message);
        Log("Updated subject to '" + subjectState3 + "'");
        Log("Ob1 val: " + observer1.Message);
        Log("Ob2 val: " + observer2.Message);

    I noticed that the initial state is not sent to the observer on subscribe, which if you need it, can be implemented as such.

    Inside the Subject class, I added the following:

    I added a property for CurrentState:

    public string CurrentState { get { return currentState; } }
    private string currentState = null;

    Inside of SendMessage I cache the current state:

    currentState = message;

    Inside Subscribe, I push the current state to the subscribing observable:

    observer.OnNext(new Payload { Message = currentState });