Let's assume I have a simple data.frame:
> d <- data.frame(A=1, B=2)
Now I want to add 3 columns, {X, Y, Z} stored in a vector to it. Let's skip the reasons for, and focus on the solution, please.
In the base R I can do it trivially:
> columns_to_add <- c("X", "Y", "Z")
> d[,columns_to_add] <- NA
> d
1 1 2 NA NA NA
But how to do this with the dplyr? I understand there must be a combination using the mutate (remembering, that the mutate_at, mutate_all will be deprecated one day), the ":=" assignment operator and the {{}} or triple-bang operator !!!rlang::syms()?
Let's have:
> single_name <- c("x")
> multip_name <- c("x", "y", "z")
For a single name it works:
> d %>% mutate(!!sym(single_name) := NA)
A B x
1 1 2 NA
> d %>% mutate({{single_name}} := NA)
A B x
1 1 2 NA
But for more than 1 name it doesn't work:
> d %>% mutate({{multip_name}} := NA)
Error: The LHS of `:=` must be a string or a symbol
Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.
> d %>% mutate(!!!syms(multip_name) := NA)
Error: The LHS of `:=` can't be spliced with `!!!`
Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.
It doesn't have to be "mutate", please propose anything that:
comes from the tidyverse
doesn't rely on any "superseded", "deprecated" stuff.
One approach could be:
d %>%
add_column(!!!setNames(rep(NA, length(multip_name)), multip_name))
A B x y z
1 1 2 NA NA NA