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How can I return an error in bash expect?

I have a bash expect script like this, that I use for some operations on Jamf:

spawn firmwarepasswd -setpasswd 
expect { 
    "Enter password:" { 
        send "$oldpass\r" 
    "Enter new password:" { 
        send "$newpass\r" 
    "Re-enter new password:" { 
    send "$newpass\r"

If the password fails, the script will not exit and jamf will keep trying to execute it. How can I get it to return and exit when the password is wrong?


  • I don't know Jamf, but I do have a little example for you:

    function _cmd {
            local cmd="${@?No command?}"
            echo -ne "Testing $cmd\t: "
            expect 2>&1 <<-EOF
                    set timeout -1
                    spawn ${cmd}
                    expect eof
                    catch wait result
                    exit [lindex \$result 3]
            echo $?
    function _ssh {
            local status="${@?No command?}"
            read -sp "remote password? " remote_pass
            echo -ne "\nTesting ssh\t: "
            expect 2>&1 <<-EOF
                    set timeout -1
                    spawn ssh $USER@
                    expect {
                            "yes/no" { send "yes\r"; exp_continue }
                            "*password: " { send "${remote_pass}\r" }
                    expect "*#" { send "exit $status\r" }
                    expect eof
                    catch wait result
                    exit [lindex \$result 3]
    echo $?
    _cmd false
    _cmd true
    _ssh 3
    exit 0

    The last part after expect eof makes sure that the exit status is shared. The _ssh command will exit with status 3.