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IntelliJ + Execute Maven Goal: How to delete from recent?

Small question on how to delete an entry from Intellij -> Execute Maven Goal tab please.

So in Intellij, there is a Maven tab. There is a Maven command "Execute Maven Goal".

In it, a "Run Anything", "Recent" and "Maven Goals".

After inputting a maven command in "Run Anything", it will go to "Recent" (and stay there kinda forever).

However, how to remove it from there, please?

Thank you

enter image description here


  • The entries from Execute Maven Goal tab are stored in your project folder, in .idea/workspace.xml file, under <component name="RunAnythingCache"> section. An example from my project below.

    The history entries:

    enter image description here

    are stored as:

    <component name="RunAnythingCache">
        <option name="myCommands">
          <command value="mvn clean package" />
          <command value="mvn package" />

    In order to delete an entry, manually edit workspace.xml file. I needed to close my IntelliJ project and edit it in external text editor, to avoid that the file is constantly overwritten by IDE.