I am working on writing a decrypter for Caesar Cyphers that won't require the user to input the amount the message was changed by. It will then look for common letter occurrences and print the ones with the most matches down to the lest matches. It will print them all fine. Just without an order. My aim was to save the decoded messages and the amount of occurrences to a 2d array. Yet I have reached a problem with this. It returns this error when I try to edit the array. Thanks in advance for any help.
import sys
import time
from time import sleep as s
import random
import collections
global c1, message, letters, array, i, output
lletters = letters.lower()
length = len(letters)
space = " "
length1 = len(space)
c1 = int(0)
check = ["hi", "ing", "ai", " i ", "oo", "e ", "as", "wh", "er", "th", "re", "or", "eir", " if ", "en", "ph", "zz", "ll", "ff", "ei", "ie", " a ", "qu", "eu", "au", "ue", "ca"]
output = [25,1]
message = input("Enter the thing you want to decrypt. ")
def decrypt():
global c1, letters, message, list1
decrypted = ''
for counter in range(1,26):
decrypted = ""
c1 = int(counter)
p = int(counter - int(1))
for chars in message:
if chars in letters:
num = letters.find(chars)
num -= c1
num = num%length
decrypted += letters[num]
elif chars in lletters:
num = lletters.find(chars)
num -= c1
num = num%length
decrypted += lletters[num]
elif chars in space:
decrypted += space
ho = int(0)
h1 = int(0)
for i in range(len(check)):
h = check[i]
if h in decrypted.lower():
output[p,1] = int(h1)
h1 = h1 + int(1)
output[p,1] = int(h1)
if ho == int(0):
ho = int(1)
Your mistake is in the list slicing syntax. It is l[start:finish] not l[start, finish]. change this line: