I am developing a project and I came across a problem where the ion-input text including placeholder text are a little above the text beside it. I need help aligning them.
This is my code.
<h4 item-left> UserName: </h4>
<ion-input placeholder="UserName" class="ion-padding"></ion-input>
<h4 item-left> Profile picture: </h4>
<ion-input placeholder="Profile picture" class="input"></ion-input>
<h4> E-mail: </h4>
<ion-input placeholder= "Email" inputmode="email"type="email" class="input"></ion-input>
This is the output:
The official and recommended way to align elements in Ionic is using the utilities css classes available since ionic3. You will find the documentation here: https://ionicframework.com/docs/layout/css-utilities
for instance if you want to align a ion-input to the right you can simply do:
<ion-input class="ion-text-right"></ion-input>
Take care that the utilities are enabled in your global.scss file as explained here: https://ionicframework.com/docs/layout/global-stylesheets
If you are using the old version of Ionic (v2) you must use html attributes and not css classes