Hello so i am new to javax.swing and i wanted to ask you guys why am i getting this error(i am going to put the exact error after my code). I have tried everything i can find. Thank you guys and im sorry if this is an easy fix i really suck at ruby right now
# javaSwingHello.rb
require 'java' # Line 2
JFrame = javax.swing.JFrame
JLabel = javax.swing.JLabel
JPanel = javax.swing.JPanel
JButton = javax.swing.JButton
BorderFactory = javax.swing.BorderFactory
BorderLayout = java.awt.BorderLayout
GridLayout = java.awt.GridLayout
count = 1
frame = JFrame.new
panel = JPanel.new
button = JButton.new "Click me"
button.addActionListener self
label = JLabel.new "Number of clicks: 0"
panel.setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(70, 70, 20, 70)
panel.setLayout GridLayout.new(0, 1)
panel.add button
panel.add label
frame.add panel, BorderLayout::CENTER
frame.setTitle "TEST GUI"
frame.setVisible true
def actionPerformed(event)
count += 1
texttoset = "Number of clicks " + count
Error( I am getting this when i press the button )
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" org.jruby.exceptions.NoMethodError: (NoMethodError) undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass
at testGui.actionPerformed(testGui.rb:26)
more of a Ruby question - local variables won't be copied into a new scope:
def actionPerformed(event)
count += 1
texttoset = "Number of clicks " + count
is a local variable for the method (initially nil
) thus the failure.
if you're just testing things out you can work-around this using a global:
$count = 1
def actionPerformed(event)
$count += 1
texttoset = "Number of clicks " + count
that being said do not use globals and rather setup a proper object that will encapsulate the state and 'implement' the actionPerformed