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rxJava how to make sequential call while being able to acess previous parameter

This is the flow I need to follow to create a file record in my server

Black arrow is flow
Red arrow is dependency
This is one big function
enter image description here

I need help designing this in rxjava that make them happen sequentially while the later single is able to get the reference

I can create some single for each time taking task

public static Single<byte[]> processData(byte[] fileData))
public static Single<APIResponse> callAPI(String id, byte[] processedData)
public static Single<UploadResponse> uploadData(String url)

This is my attempt
I tried using flatMap's resultSelector as described here
Retrofit and RxJava: How to combine two requests and get access to both results?

    private static Single<FinalResult> bigFunction(String id, int type, String jwt, byte[] fileData){

        return processData(fileData).flatMap(new Function<byte[], SingleSource<APIResponse>>() {
            public SingleSource<APIResponse> apply(byte[] processedData) throws Throwable {
                return callAPI(id, processedData);
        }, new BiFunction<byte[], APIResponse, UploadResponse>() {
            public FinalResult apply(byte[] processData, APIResponse apiResponse) throws Throwable {
                if (processData.size() > LIMIT){
                    uploadData(apiResponse.getUrl());  // I am stuck here how to return a FinalResult() after this uploadData() is complete
                   return new FinalResult(); // if no need to upload, done


  • If you don't need a result then you can ignoreElement() to convert your flow into Completable and use toSingleDefault(...) function:

        .toSingleDefault(new FinalResult());

    In case you just need to convert the response into FinalResult then you can use map(...):

         .map(uploadResponse -> new FinalResult(uploadResponse));

    In case you have to utilize the result from uploadData(..) with any external calls or whatever then flatMap() is your choice:

        .flatMap(uploadResponse -> {
            // do whatever you want with response
            return Single.just(new FinalResult(uploadResponse));


    In your case it can be simplified:

    return processData(fileData)
        .flatMap(processedData -> {
            Single<FinalResult> postProcessing;
            if (processedData.length > LIMIT) {
                postProcessing = uploadData(apiResponse.getUrl())
                                    .map(response -> new FinalResult(response));
            } else {
                postProcessing = Single.just(new FinalResult());
            return callAPI(id, processedData)