I have a code in R that in the end produce, among others, a vector named sigma
and 3 subsets namely, sub1.sigma
, sb2.sigma
, sub3.sigma
. I want to replicate this procedure n times let's say 10, and observe the values on the above mentioned vectors. I'm using the replicate function as follows
code <- replicate(10,{
data<-matrix(rnorm(100*5,mean=0,sd=1), 100, 5)
colnames(data) <- c("X1", "X2", "X3", "X4", "X5")
data <- as.data.frame(data)
a <- 5
b <- 0.8
c <- 100
data[,2] <- a*data[,1] - b*rnorm(c)
data[,3] <- a*data[,1] + b*rnorm(c)
data[,4] <- a*data[,1] - b*rnorm(c)
A <- as.matrix(data)
results <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(A)), function(i) {
cvfit = cv.glmnet(A[, -i] , A[, i] , standardize = TRUE , type.measure = "mse" , nfolds = 10 , alpha = 1)
lam <- as.data.frame(`names<-`(
lapply(results, function(x) (x$cvfit$lambda.min)),
paste0("X", seq_along(results))
sigma<- matrix(rnorm(1*5,mean=0,sd=1), 1, 5)
colnames(sigma) <- c("X1", "X2", "X3", "X4", "X5")
sub1.sigma <- subset(sigma, select = sigma <= sum(lam))
sub2.sigma <- subset(sigma, select = sigma <= 2*sum(lam))
sub3.sigma <- subset(sigma, select = sigma <= 3*sum(lam))
}, simplify = FALSE)
The above produce the following results, which i can't figure out to what they correspond. Is it the sigma
or a sub.sigma
. I want to create 4 dataframes containing the sigma
, sub1.sigma
, sb2.sigma
and sub3.sigma
values in each row of each replicate run. How can i achieve that in R? Should I use another loop function?
> code[1:10]
X1 X4 X5
[1,] 0.8032832 0.6772685 0.3799627
X1 X4 X5
[1,] 0.8032832 0.6772685 0.3799627
X1 X4 X5
[1,] 0.8032832 0.6772685 0.3799627
X1 X4 X5
[1,] 0.8032832 0.6772685 0.3799627
X1 X4 X5
[1,] 0.8032832 0.6772685 0.3799627
X1 X4 X5
[1,] 0.8032832 0.6772685 0.3799627
X1 X4 X5
[1,] 0.8032832 0.6772685 0.3799627
X1 X4 X5
[1,] 0.8032832 0.6772685 0.3799627
X1 X4 X5
[1,] 0.8032832 0.6772685 0.3799627
X1 X4 X5
[1,] 0.8032832 0.6772685 0.3799627
Since you are not returning anything from replicate
, it is returning the last line from the code which is sub3.sigma
. You can return a list of output.
code <- replicate(10,{
data<-matrix(rnorm(100*5,mean=0,sd=1), 100, 5)
colnames(data) <- c("X1", "X2", "X3", "X4", "X5")
data <- as.data.frame(data)
a <- 5
b <- 0.8
c <- 100
data[,2] <- a*data[,1] - b*rnorm(c)
data[,3] <- a*data[,1] + b*rnorm(c)
data[,4] <- a*data[,1] - b*rnorm(c)
A <- as.matrix(data)
results <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(A)), function(i) {
cvfit = cv.glmnet(A[, -i] , A[, i] , standardize = TRUE , type.measure = "mse" , nfolds = 10 , alpha = 1)
lam <- as.data.frame(`names<-`(
lapply(results, function(x) (x$cvfit$lambda.min)),
paste0("X", seq_along(results))
sigma<- matrix(rnorm(1*5,mean=0,sd=1), 1, 5)
colnames(sigma) <- c("X1", "X2", "X3", "X4", "X5")
sub1.sigma <- subset(sigma, select = sigma <= sum(lam))
sub2.sigma <- subset(sigma, select = sigma <= 2*sum(lam))
sub3.sigma <- subset(sigma, select = sigma <= 3*sum(lam))
dplyr::lst(sigma, sub1.sigma, sub2.sigma, sub3.sigma)
}, simplify = FALSE)
To combine the dataframes in it's own list, you can use :
result <- lapply(purrr::transpose(code), function(x) do.call(rbind, x))