My IDE is: Code::Blocks 20.03 ( MinGW 9.2.0 )
This is my code:
module mod_kompleks
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : rp => c_double
implicit none
type, public :: kom_bro
real(rp), private :: rea
real(rp), private :: img
procedure, pass(kdt), private :: kom_bro_ini
procedure, pass(kdt), public :: uzm_rea => uzm_pod_rea
procedure, pass(kdt), public :: uzm_img => uzm_pod_img
procedure, pass(kdt), private :: kom_bro_sab
generic, public :: operator(+) => kom_bro_sab
end type kom_bro
interface kom_bro
module procedure kom_bro_kon
end interface kom_bro
private :: kom_bro_kon
function kom_bro_kon( bro_rea, bro_img ) result( bro )
real(rp), intent(in) :: bro_rea
real(rp), intent(in) :: bro_img
type(kom_bro) :: bro
call bro%kom_bro_ini(bro_rea, bro_img)
end function kom_bro_kon
subroutine kom_bro_ini(kdt, dio_rea, dio_img)
class(kom_bro), intent(out) :: kdt
real(rp), intent(in) :: dio_rea
real(rp), intent(in) :: dio_img
kdt%rea = dio_rea
kdt%img = dio_img
end subroutine kom_bro_ini
function uzm_pod_rea( kdt ) result( rez )
class(kom_bro), intent(in) :: kdt
real(rp) :: rez
rez = kdt%rea
end function uzm_pod_rea
function uzm_pod_img( kdt ) result( rez )
class(kom_bro), intent(in) :: kdt
real(rp) :: rez
rez = kdt%img
end function uzm_pod_img
function kom_bro_sab( kdt, bro ) result( rez )
class(kom_bro), intent(in) :: kdt
class(kom_bro), intent(in) :: bro
type(kom_bro) :: rez
rez%rea = kdt%rea + bro%rea
rez%img = kdt%img + bro%img
end function kom_bro_sab
end module mod_kompleks
program kompleksni_broj
use, non_intrinsic :: mod_kompleks
implicit none
type(kom_bro) :: broj_01, broj_02, broj_03
broj_01 = kom_bro(1.1_rp,2.2_rp)
print '(1x,f4.2,1x,"j",1xf4.2)', broj_01%uzm_rea(), broj_01%uzm_img()
broj_02 = kom_bro(3.3_rp,4.4_rp)
print '(1x,f4.2,1x,"j",1xf4.2)', broj_02%uzm_rea(), broj_02%uzm_img()
broj_03 = broj_01 + broj_02
print '(1x,f4.2,1x,"j",1xf4.2)', broj_03%uzm_rea(), broj_03%uzm_img()
end program kompleksni_broj
My intention is to disable access to the kom_bro_sab
procedure outside the mod_kompleks
module. In case I want to construct a complex number with values for the real and imaginary part in the main program, after typing the word kom I get the opportunity to choose the procedure kon_bro
, which of course I wanted, but next to that function I am offered the opportunity to choose the procedure kom_bro_sab
. How can I prevent this (I want only the procedure kom_bro_sab
and the operator +
to be visible)?
I will add screenshot of what i got even the type - bound procedure was private:
In short
The kom_bro_sab
function has (default) access property public
which is why you can access kom_bro_sab
in your main program.
The function kom_bro_sab
is exported as any other function would be because its access property is public
This is because by default the access property is public
and was not changed here.
Dont be confused by the line procedure, pass(kdt), private :: kom_bro_sab
Here a type-bound procedure kom_bro_sab
is defined and which has access property private
Thus, you can only call this property from other type-bound procedures.
You should differentiate between the type-bound procedure and the function itself.
There are two ways to handle it.
and only explicitly defining the public
entities. This also makes it easier when quickly looking through modules to see which entities are actually exported.module mod_kompleks
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : rp => c_double
implicit none
public kom_bro
type kom_bro
end module
and private
properties. Then you just need to add one line (see the line containing ADDED
).module mod_kompleks
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : rp => c_double
implicit none
type, public :: kom_bro
end interface kom_bro
private kom_bro_kon
private kom_bro_sab ! <- ADDED
end module
I shortened your code and hope that it is still understandable.