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Changing a Dataset for a visual in AWS Quick Sight

I am new to Quicksight and trying to change the dataset for a cloned visual.

I have created one analysis in AWS Quicksight which contains 6 different datasets from the same Datasource. See below:

enter image description here

There are two tabs (report 1 / report 2) in the analysis. I have cloned the below visual with Dataset: "Arora Waterfalls Website..." from Report 2 to Report 1.

enter image description here

But when I try to change the dataset from "Arora Waterfalls Website..." to "Arora All Webinar..." for the cloned visual in Report 1, the visual gets unselected and when I click on it shows the same dataset again: "Arora - Waterfalls Website...":

enter image description here

enter image description here

To conclude, is there any way that we can change the dataset for a cloned visual in QuickSight?


  • You cannot change a dataset for a visual after it has been added to the Analysis.

    You will need to select the dataset you want to use, add a new visual and rebuild the chart as required.

    A second suggestion: looking at your data sets, you seem to be pulling in different views/tables into multiple different datasets from one data source. If possible I recommend combining the different tables into one dataset, joining them together during ingestion. This will give you more flexibility duplicating views. Working with multiple datasets has number of limitations. This will help avoid the problem you are having trying to duplicate a visual.