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Selling Partner API Amazon 400 bad request

I am trying to make an API call to Amazon's selling partner API documented here - SP-API . I make a call through Java API specifically to OrdersV0API as follows -

 GetOrdersResponse resp = apiInstance.getOrders(marketPlaceIds, createdAfter, createdBefore,
                        lastUpdatedAfter, lastUpdatedBefore, orderStatuses, fulfillmentChannels, paymentMethods, buyerEmail,
                        sellerOrderId, maxResultsPerPage, easyShipShipmentStatuses, nextToken, amazonOrderIds);

However, despite trying multiple inputs , I am getting the following -

Response{protocol=http/1.1, code=400, message=Bad Request, url=}

The documentation by Amazon is not the best in the world and so I am looking to get a solution from the community. Wondering if anyone has been in similar shoes ?


  • If look at the request you are sending. There are no values for some params, but still the keys are present, like this part BuyerEmail=&SellerOrderId