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react-popper incorrect position on mount

I have built a custom tree view in React, and each item contains a dropdown which is positioned using Popper. Since the child elements are not visible on render, Popper is not positioning the dropdown correctly, for example:

enter image description here

When the tree is open on mount (i.e the children are visible), the positioning is correct:

enter image description here

Each level in the tree is rendered via a CategoryNavItem component, which essentially looks like this:

<div className={ className.join(' ') }>
    <div className={ `collection-nav_item-link depth${depth}` } style={{ paddingLeft: `${paddingLeft}px`}}>
        <Link to={ linkTo } onClick={() => { setIsOpen(!isOpen) }}>
            <i className="collection-nav_item-link_icon"></i>
            <span className="collection-nav_item-link_text">{ }</span>

            toggleClassName="btn-icon-white btn-sm"
            toggleContent={ <Icon name="ellipsis-h" />}
                { text: 'Edit category' },
                { text: 'Add subcategory', onClick: (() => { dispatch(openAddSubcategory(category)) }) }
            ]} />
    { children }

The Dropdown component is where we use Popper, and it works well everywhere else. The visibility of a CategoryNavItem is handled via the component's state in React.

Is there any way to trigger Popper's update() method programmatically in React? We should force update when toggling the item's visibility.


  • It turns out we just need to expose the update property from the usePopper hook, and then call it when setting the dropdown's visibility, for example:

    const { styles, attributes, update } = usePopper(referenceElement, popperElement, {
        placement: placement,
        modifiers: [
            { name: 'arrow', options: { element: arrowElement } },
            { name: 'offset', options: { offset: [ 0, 3 ] } }

    And similarly:

    const toggleDropdown = (e) => {