IntelliJ 2020.3.1 (Ultimate Edition) insists on showing me validation errors where there are none in a maven war project with a jsp. It does so on the first "<c:" of any jsp file. It doesn't complain about the jstl dependency being missing though (it isn't). It seems as though the html validator doesn't know it shouldn't validate this kind of tag.
The problems tab show this error:
'!', '!=', '%', '&#', '&&', '>', '<', '*', '+', '+=', ',', '-', '.', '/', <, <=, <Literal>, '==', '>', '>=', IDENTIFIER, STRING_IDENTIFIER, and, div, empty, eq, ge, gt, le, lt, mod, ne, not, or, '|' or '||' expected, got ':'
I've created a minimal testcase which shows off this superfluous error in index.jsp.
The error goes away after disabling the bundled ThymeLeaf (version 203.6682.168) plugin. My project makes no mention of Thymeleaf, so I don't understand why it should validate my jsp files.
I've reported this as an intellij issue.