Edit: Originally this was a Rails 5.2 question but it still seems relevant with Rails 6 and 6.1
I am trying to customise which tests are generated by default in a vanilla Rails 5.2.x app. I don't seem to be able to configure the Minitest generators though. The following code in my config/application.rb
causes a error minitest [not found]
error when I try and generate a model.
config.generators do |generate|
generate.test_framework :minitest, model: false
In Rails 5.2 the default test frameworks are Minitest and Capybara
Minitest gem is included automatically with rails new
You can customise generator behaviour with a config.generators do
block in config/application.rb
"defines which test framework to use. Defaults to false and will use Minitest by default"
Clearly there's a gap in my understanding or one of my assumptions is wrong.
rails -v
# Rails
rails new testing-test-frameworks
# Bundle install outputs: 'Using minitest 5.11.3'
cd testing-test-frameworks
rails g model --help
# Default [test framework]: test_unit [why???]
rails g model person
# invoke test_unit [why???]
# create test/models/person_test.rb
# create test/fixtures/people.yml
Strangely enough, the official Rails testing guide also has lots of references to invoke test_unit
for both unit tests and system tests.
I tried other settings in the config.generators
block just to make sure it's working
Given that the test_unit generators seem to be non-negotiable I tried changing the generations through test_unit; config.generators.test_framework :test_unit, model: false
I tried to disable various other tests; fixture:false, integration: false, model: false, spec: false, system: false, view: false
I tried to confirm I don't have any other gems or settings that might be messing with things (several similar sounding problems related to an old version of FactoryBot/Girl)
I tried variations such as generate.test_framework :mini_test
mentioned in other answers
I'm attempting to partially answer some of my own questions (2+ years later) based on recent learnings (and based on Rails 6). If I'm wrong, hopefully Cunningham's Law holds true.
The first big point of confusion for me was that Minitest is indeed the default test framework under the hood but just about everything within Rails (still?) seems to refer to TestUnit/test_unit.
Examples include:
rails g model --help
output (snippets below)
-t, [--test-framework=NAME] # Test framework to be invoked
# Default: test_unit
TestUnit options:
rails g scaffold Example
output (snippets below):
create app/models/example.rb
invoke test_unit
create test/models/example_test.rb
invoke scaffold_controller
create app/controllers/examples_controller.rb
invoke test_unit
create test/controllers/examples_controller_test.rb
create app/helpers/examples_helper.rb
invoke test_unit
bin/rails generate test_unit:model article title:string body:text
Sure enough, if we look in all.rb
we see that "Test Unit" is being included via the test_unit
Railtie. If (like me) you don't really know what a Railtie is, check out this blog post, I found it quite helpful.
In terms of what options we can provide in our config/application.rb
block, I think the only options we can pass with config.generators.test_framework :test_unit
are fixture: true/false
(and maybe specifying a fixture_replacement
path(?), based on the apparent defaults in the test_unit railtie).
If you run rails g
to get a list of available generators, only four TestUnit ones are mentioned in the output:
But the Rails Testing Guide mentions test_unit:model
and test_unit:scaffold
as well. And when I tried rails g test_unit:foo
Rails suggested perhaps I meant rails g test_unit:job
so that's three "undocumented" generators.
From what I can tell, those three extras come from this generators folder, along with a few others. If so, I think the complete list is:
*not in that folder, seems to be added by
*not in that folder, seems to be added by ActionMailboxtest_unit:mailer