I have these schemas:
schema "players" do
field :email, :string
has_many :profiles, MyApp.Profile
has_many :worlds, through: [:profiles, :world]
schema "worlds" do
field :name, :string
has_many :profiles, MyApp.Profile
has_many :players, through: [:profiles, :player]
schema "settings" do
field :mode, :string
belongs_to :player, MyApp.Player
belongs_to :world, MyApp.World
All players are supposed to have one settings in each world they create by default. But due to logical errors in our code, some players didn't have settings in some world.
Now I'm trying to find those players
who don't have existing settings
record in some world so I can create default settings for them using a seeder.
I've tried workarounds like this:
query = from profile in Profile
|> Repo.all()
|> Enum.each(fn profile ->
case get_settings(profile.player_id, profile.world_id) do
nil ->
create_settings(profile.player_id, profile.world_id)
_ ->
It works but I want to avoid using the case statement. It costs a lot of database work.
Is there any way to fetch those players
with no existing settings
record in some worlds
using a query?
Use Ecto.Query.join/5
and Ecto.Query.subquery/2
more or less like
subquery =
from profile in Profile,
join: player in Player,
on: player.id == profile.player_id,
join: world in World,
on: world.id == profile.world_id
query =
from setting in Settings,
join: profile in subquery(subquery),
on: setting.player_id == profile.player_id and
setting.world_id == profile.world_id
or, even easier, you might directly join settings to profiles on player_id
and world_id
The latter reveals that you actually have a design flaw. Settings and profiles are basically the same entity, represented twice. That’s why you have inconsistency. Enrich profiles with whatever fields in settings and get rid of settings at all.