I want to store items in a var from a directory with duplicate names, but different extensions. For example: there are files with .jpg
and files with .webp
with the same BaseName. I would like to excludes those and only add the ones that don't have a similar .webp
Code I used to get all the files:
$images = Get-ChildItem $dir
I would like to store all the files that don't have a .webp
twin with the same BaseName in $images
Use the Group-Object
$images = Get-ChildItem -File $dir\*.jpg, $dir\*.webp |
Group-Object BaseName |
Where-Object { $_.Group.Extension -notcontains '.webp' } |
ForEach-Object Group
Note: If recursive file retrieval were to be used (-Recurse
), you could simplify to
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File $dir -Include *.jpg, *.webp
; perhaps surprisingly, -Include
is only properly supported with -Recurse
- see GitHub issue #3304.