Th above is the doc of this function, I used this to append a timestamp on a name of the SageMaker batch transform job, which will be triggered from a stepfunction state machine:
locals {
timestamp = formatdate("YYYYMMDDhhmmss", timestamp())
in stepfunction terraform file:
definition = templatefile("stepfuntion.json",
timestamp = local.timestamp
in the "stepfuntion.json":
"TransformJobName": "jobname-${timestamp}",
"End": true
Specifically, the jobname is defined in "TransformJobName": "jobname-${timestamp}"
I applied terraform twice, 10am and 11am, but the second time it generated the same timestamp as the first time, am I missing something here? I thought this function will generate the real-time timestamp. I've been struggling for a whole morning now, many thanks.
works perfectly fine, I used your code as described in the question with the template file stepfuction.json
locals {
current = formatdate("YYYYMMDDhhmmss",timestamp())
output "tempasda"{
value = templatefile("task.json", {timestamp = local.current, model_name="mymodel"})
and the corresponding output
$ terraform apply -auto-approve |grep TransformJobName
"TransformJobName": "jobname-20210106134614",
$ terraform apply -auto-approve |grep TransformJobName
"TransformJobName": "jobname-20210106134615",
$ terraform apply -auto-approve |grep TransformJobName
"TransformJobName": "jobname-20210106134617",
$ terraform apply -auto-approve |grep TransformJobName
"TransformJobName": "jobname-20210106134618",
terrform version tested with 0.13.x and 0.14.x