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How to get the implicit reads from an object defined of some type?

I have an implicit defined for Reads[Seq[SomeCaseClass]] in an object:

implicit object myReadsObj extends Reads[Seq[SomeCaseClass]] {
    override def reads(js: JsValue): JsResult[Seq[SomeCaseClass]] = js match {
      // resulting JsResult[Seq[SomeCaseClass]]

How do I extract the Reads from it to pass as an implicit to other function asking for Reads, reads:Reads[Seq[A]] ?


  • I am not sure that this answers the question, but myReadsObj will be used as the Reads in the following code:

    case class SomeCaseClass()
    implicit object myReadsObj extends Reads[Seq[SomeCaseClass]] {
      override def reads(js: JsValue): JsResult[Seq[SomeCaseClass]] =
    val j = Json.parse("""{ "hello": "world" }""")