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What's the difference between { color: inherit } vs { color: currentColor }?

Please see this minimum example

.inherit {
  color: red;
.inherit p {
  color: inherit;

.currentColor {
  color: red;
.currentColor p {
  color: currentColor;
<div class="inherit">

<div class="currentColor">

These two are resulting in the same.

Is there any difference when using currentColor in the color property when I can just use inherit?


  • inherit means that the value used by the parent is used.

    currentColor follows closest color property value,

    Example 1

    this divs border-color and box-shadow color will be red. Because currentColor follows closest color property value.

    div { 
      color: red; 
      border: 5px solid currentColor;
      box-shadow: 0 0 5px solid currentColor;

    Example 2

    this divs border-color and box-shadow color will be blue. Because the closest color property value is defined in the body and its blue.

    body {
      color: blue;
    body > div { 
      border: 5px solid currentColor;
      box-shadow: 0 0 5px solid currentColor;