AWS amplify DynamoDB Graph QL filter by book title and author name
i want to search books by book title and author name but my schema allow me to search books by book title and author ID not author name how i can achieve this.
following is my graph ql schema
type Author
@model(subscriptions: null)
rules: [
# allow admins to create, update and delete books
{ allow: groups, groups: ["owner"] }
# allow all authenticated users to view books
{ allow: private, operations: [read] }
@key(name: "authorByCreatedAt", fields: ["isDeleted", "createdAt"], queryField: "authorByCreatedAt")
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String!
status : Boolean!
createdAt: String!
image: String!
isDeleted: Int!
books: [Book] @connection(keyName: "byAuthor", fields: ["id"])
type Book
@model(subscriptions: null)
rules: [
# allow admins to create, update and delete books
{ allow: groups, groups: ["owner"] }
# allow all authenticated users to view books
{ allow: private, operations: [read] }
@key(name: "bookByCreatedAt", fields: ["isDeleted", "createdAt"], queryField: "bookByCreatedAt")
@key(name: "byAuthor", fields: ["authorId"])
id: ID!
title: String!
description: String!
image: String!
age: Int!
region: String!
isbn: String
narrator: String
status : Boolean!
createdAt: String!
isDeleted: Int!
book: String!
bookType: BookType!
authorId: ID!
authors: Author @connection(fields: ["authorId"])
enum BookType {
If you are coming from the world of relational databases, this might seem like it should be trivial. In the world of DynamoDB it is more complex. You cannot create a @key that is linked to a @connection ( as far as I understand ). Some solutions to this problem:
1: Add Author's Name to Book
The author's name doesn't change typically, so you could do the below. Duplicating data is not frowned upon in DynamoDB/NoSQL world. This will give you a faster query as well.
type Book
@model(subscriptions: null)
@key(name: "BooksByAuthorName", fields: ["authorName"], queryField: "getBooksByAuthorName")
id: ID!
title: String!
description: String!
image: String!
age: Int!
region: String!
isbn: String
narrator: String
status : Boolean!
createdAt: String!
isDeleted: Int!
book: String!
bookType: BookType!
authorId: ID!
authorName: String
authors: Author @connection(fields: ["authorId"])
2: Custom Resolvers
Custom resolvers, like @function ( Lambda functions ), or the more complex custom resolver templates can be used for multiple searches, and custom logic, though I would suggest option 1 first.
3: Exploring @searchable directive