I have a query (using CloudWatch as a data source) that retrieves a dataset that includes a count of certain event types - fields x, y, z | stats count() by x
the result returned by the query (e.g. if I run the query in log insights):
x | count()
Foo | 16
Bar | 3
(So the aggregation of stats
is run in CW Logs). I want to represent this in Grafana in the same way it is shown above, but when I use the query with a table panel, the results are populated into a drop-down selector, and the table only shows 1 row - e.g. Foo 16
and I need to select which row I want to display in the table.
What is the best way to show all results? I'm not sure whether I should be leaving the stats
function off the data query and doing the aggregation / count on Grafana side, or if I am using the wrong panel type / visualation and the query is right (looking on which approach would be best here if both are possible).
thanks in advance.
I encountered this same issue with Grafana 7.0.0.
When parsing an arrayed query response using the Grafana "Table" visualization, the drop-down result selector is a feature of the v7+ versions. The Grafana Explore functions apparently use the older table visualization, which is bundled in V7 versions as "table-old". The table-old visualization should return all query results as rows in the table, without a selector.