I would like a textbox that allows only 2 decimals. I am using https://github.com/JsDaddy/ngx-mask/ to achieve this.
This example ( using Angular 8 and an older mask version ) works , but looks like the newer version doesnt!
This is my html:
<input type="text" mask="99999999999999.00">
Error repro :
NOTE: I have logged a defect in the repo, but was hoping someone in SO can also guide me in case Im missing something simple.
it is a bug coming from the package you can open the issue in GitHub,
But for now you can use several workarounds.
Use early versions of the package
for example 8.2.x
. The command for installing the old version of this package npm i ngx-mask@8.x
or use mask by this way
<input type="text" mask="separator.2" thousandSeparator="" separatorLimit="99999999999999">
Here is the stackblitz example with the second solution https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ivy-mask-juzncf?file=src/app/app.component.html