I am currently in the process of developing a simple, cocoa document based web browser in Objective-C, using the webkit framework.
I want to add a window to display the browsing history. I have created the window with a text box and all that, but I can not for the life of me figure how to display the browsing history in the textbox.
Please do not refer me to the apple developer resources online, as I have already read that.
First of all, you need to enable the web view's built-in history with setMaintainsBackForwardList:
, if you haven't already done so.
You can then access the browsing history with the backForwardList
method which returns an object of the class WebBackForwardList
This isn't a simple array, because it also needs to maintain a position within the history, in case the user goes back (to be able to go forward again). To display a history menu or window, you're probably most interested in the backListCount
and backListWithLimit:
methods. The latter returns an NSArray
of WebHistoryItem
objects. Those have the methods URLString
, title
, icon
and lastVisitedTimeInterval
. You can use these methods to display information about the individual history items.