There is a complaint that the following function doesn't work because it returns "pointers/iterators to local variables". Is this complaint correct? I can't see this problem...
const Range dummy::foo() const
std::vector<Handle> _handles;
for (const auto& pair: _collection)
return _handles;
Return type:
using Range = boost::any_range<Handle, boost::forward_traversal_tag, const Handle>;
Thanks for explanations and suggested solutions!
Is this complaint correct?
Yes it is. _handles
is an automatic variable, and you return a range referring to it. Ranges are basically abstractions over pairs of iterator + sentinel. The returned range will be invalid outside the function.
And how can I solve this
A correct implementation would be to return a transforming adaptor range. Possibly something along the lines of:
return _collection | boost::adaptors::map_keys;