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When task is submitted to threads in a thread pool via executor service how to ensure that only 1 thread can occupy a synchronized task at a time?

I have following worker class -

public class Worker implements Runnable {
    private int workId;

    public Worker(int workId) {
        this.workId = workId;

    private int count = 0;

    private synchronized void increment() {
        System.out.println("Work id: " + workId);

    public void run() {

I have following main method -

ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
        for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
            executorService.submit(new Worker(i));
        System.out.println("All tasks submitted");
        executorService.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.DAYS);
        System.out.println("All tasks completed");

Here increment() has been synchronized. So when 1 thread is occupying it another thread has to wait until that thread leaves the lock.

But when I am submitting the work using a thread pool of 2 threads, both threads seem to be using increment() at the same time.

So here how can I force the two threads to use the increment() method only one at a time?


  • private synchronized void increment() 

    This method locking works at the Object level, so if you have two Objects, they won't block each other when calling this, as each one would call its own increment() method (there is no concurrent call on the same Worker instance).

    In order to avoid different instances accessing the increment() method concurrently, you need synchronization at Class level, which is achieved when the lock is the same for all of your Worker instances. Some options to declare the lock:

    • Shared Object

      public class Boss extends RichDad implements EarnLotsOfMoney
         private final Object masterLock;
         public Boss() 
            masterLock = new Object();
         public Worker createWorker(int slaveId) 
            return new Worker(masterLock, slaveId);

      yep silly example i know..

      public class Worker implements Runnable 
         private final Object lock;
         private int workId;
         public Worker(Object lock, int workId) 
            this.lock = lock;
            this.workId = workId;
         private void increment() 
             synchronized(lock) /*lock holds the same reference in all instances*/
         public void run() {

    lock is created only once and then is passed as a parameter when creating the Worker instances. This would block all Worker instances created from the same Boss (in this approach the lock is a non-static object).

    • Its own Class

      public class Worker implements Runnable 
         private int workId;
         public Worker(int workId) {
            this.workId = workId;
         private int count = 0;
         private void increment() 
             synchronized(Worker.class) /*class level lock here*/
               System.out.println("Work id: " + workId);
         public void run() {

    This would synchronize the threads using the shared Worker class as lock.