I'm learning SageMath (uses Python 3) and playing with the Goldbach conjecture.
I wrote this function (it works!):
def Goldbach(n):
if n % 2 != 0 or n <= 2:
show("No és parell")
for i in srange(n):
if is_prime(i):
for j in srange(n):
if is_prime(j) and i + j == n:
a = [i, j]
Now I'm trying (no idea) to do the following plot:
Denoting by r(2k)
the number of Goldbach partitions of 2k
the conjecture affirms that r(2k) > 0
if k > 1
I have to do a graph of points (k, r(2k))
, k > 2
How could I do it?
First of all, let us get some better implementation in Sage of the routine counting the number r(K) (for K > 2 some even integer) of the solutions for p + q = 2k, p, q prime numbers.
We count both solutions (p, q) and (q, p) when they differ.
def r(K):
if K not in ZZ or K <= 2 or K % 2:
return None
if K == 4:
return 1
count = 0
for p in primes(3, K):
for q in primes(3, K + 1 - p):
if p + q == K:
count += 1
return count
goldbach_points = [(K, r(K)) for K in range(4, 100,2)]
This gives: