The opengl docs as well as OpenGL ES docs state regarding clearBuffer[fiuv]
If buffer is GL_COLOR, a particular draw buffer GL_DRAW_BUFFERi is specified by passing i as drawbuffer
Indeed, the WebGL spec defines values for DRAW_BUFFER0
But what are these things? I've heard of framebuffers, and renderbuffers... but what are drawbuffers? how do I create one? What's the relationship to framebuffers? How do I know which one I'm supposed to clear if I have some deferred rendering pipeline that uses multiple framebuffers?
note: this may seem like a duplicate of Regarding drawBuffer in glClearBufferiv but that question is old, tagged under OpenGL, and doesn't answer the same question exactly
Framebuffers have attachments. Those attachments are also referred to as "drawbuffers" when a framebuffer is the currently bound DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER
as they are the buffers that will be drawn to.
There is a function gl.drawBuffers
that let you choose which attachments will actually be written to
gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, // draw to the first attachment
gl.NONE, // don't draw to the 2nd attachment,
gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT2, // draw to the 3rd attachment
Note that these settings are part of the currently bound framebuffer's state. They are not global settings. (and there is a set of this state for the canvas itself when you call the function above with no framebuffer bound)
Similarly you can call gl.clearBufferXXX
to clear a specific attachment of the currently bound framebuffer. For example clearing the 3rd attachment as in
const drawbuffer = 2
gl.clearBufferfv(gl.COLOR, drawBuffer, [1, 0, 0, 1]);
Then the 3rd color attachment on the currently bound DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER
will be cleared. (0 being the first, 1 being the 2nd, 2 being the 3rd attachment)
The only use of the constants DRAW_BUFFER0
is to query the values set by gl.drawBuffers
. Eg. gl.getParameter(gl.DRAW_BUFFER2)
gets the drawbuffer setting for the currently bound framebuffer.