I am fairly new to django and I want to deploy my app. I have used FileSystemStorage to store my files temporarily in a Media folder and deleting them afterwards, in my django app however I've also read that it should not be used in a production environment. My code is essentially the same as the one shown in this article.
Why can't I use FileSystemStorage in a production environment and what can I use instead in order to serve my purpose?
If you want to handle user uploaded file then delete it afterward here is how i implemented it in a simple view:
def my_image(request, image_name):
# user upload file
folder_path = 'path_to_your_file_folder/'
fs = FileSystemStorage(location=folder_path, base_url=folder_path)
image_data = open(folder_path + image_name, "rb").read() #set file as variable
fs.delete(folder_path + image_name)# delete the file from folder
return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image")
This view will return the image 1 time