Pharo 9, Spec 2 -- I have a Spec 2 presenter with a text
text := self newText.
super initializePresenters
As I understand its type is SpTextPresenter
. How to change the font of this text
? Font face, size of the all shown text in this widget... For example, to "Courier New", 9.
Also I tried:
text addStyle: { SpStyleSTONReader fromString:
Font {
#name: "Source Sans Pro",
#size: 12,
#bold: false,
#italic: true
}' }.
but it does not work, the error is: Improper store into indexable object
Also I found this documentation. It seems that the scenario must be:
addStyle: 'the-name'
so the widget with a name the-name
will refer own styles from the loaded STON.The problem is in 2. - I have not application, just one presenter which I open with openWithSpec
I didn't notice this 'till now.
Spec "styles" cannot be added directly to the component but they need to be part of a stylesheet.
Stylesheets are defined in your application (in particular in your application configuration).
You can take a look at StPharoApplication>>resetConfiguration
, StPharoMorphicConfiguration>>styleSheet
and StPharoMorphicConfiguration>>styleSheetCommon
as examples (you will also see there than using STON to declare your styles is just a convenience way, not mandatory).
Here a simplified version of what you will find there:
StPharoApplication >> resetConfiguration
self useBackend: #Morphic with: StPharoMorphicConfiguration new
StPharoMorphicConfiguration >> styleSheet
^ SpStyle defaultStyleSheet, self styleSheetCommon
StPharoMorphicConfiguration >> styleSheetCommon
"Just an example on how to build styles programatically ;)"
^ SpStyleSTONReader fromString: '
.application [
.searchInputField [
Font { #size: 12 }
Then you can add the style to your component:
text addStyle: 'searchInputField'