This is the code for my candlestick scanner. My aim is to scan multiple variables simultaneously however when my code runs it only results in a single column of false. If anyone knows how to scan multiple tickers at once it will help tremendously.
import datetime as dt
import pandas_datareader as web
import pandas as pd
start = dt.datetime(2020,12,31)
end =
Stock = ('ANZ.AX','APT.AX','FMG.AX')
df = web.DataReader(Stock, 'yahoo', start, end)
# Change data to omit volume and adjusted close (can change later to display volume)
data = df[['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']]
for i in range(2, df.shape[0]):
current = df.iloc[i, :]
prev = df.iloc[i - 1, :]
prev_2 = df.iloc[i - 2, :]
realbody = abs(current['Open'] - current['Close'])
candle_range = current['High'] - current['Low']
idx = df.index[i]
# Bullish engulfing
df.loc[idx, 'Bullish Engulfing'] = (prev['Open'] > prev['Close']) & (current['Close'] > current['Open']) \
& (current['High'] > prev['High']) & (current['Low'] < prev['Low'])
df.fillna(False, inplace=True)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
print(df['Bullish Engulfing'])
Resulted code:
2020-12-30 False
2021-01-03 False
2021-01-05 False
Name: Bullish Engulfing, dtype: bool
the issue is you have a multindex on the columns
import datetime as dt
import pandas_datareader as web
import pandas as pd
start = dt.datetime(2020,12,31)
end =
Stock = ('ANZ.AX','APT.AX','FMG.AX')
df = web.DataReader(Stock, 'yahoo', start, end)
MultiIndex([('Adj Close', 'ANZ.AX'),
('Adj Close', 'APT.AX'),
('Adj Close', 'FMG.AX'),
( 'Close', 'ANZ.AX'),
( 'Close', 'APT.AX'),
( 'Close', 'FMG.AX'),
( 'High', 'ANZ.AX'),
( 'High', 'APT.AX'),
( 'High', 'FMG.AX'),
( 'Low', 'ANZ.AX'),
( 'Low', 'APT.AX'),
( 'Low', 'FMG.AX'),
( 'Open', 'ANZ.AX'),
( 'Open', 'APT.AX'),
( 'Open', 'FMG.AX'),
( 'Volume', 'ANZ.AX'),
( 'Volume', 'APT.AX'),
( 'Volume', 'FMG.AX')],
names=['Attributes', 'Symbols'])
where in your code you go current = df.iloc[i, :]
it is not giving you what you think as you still have a multi index
current = df.iloc[1, :]
for example yeilds
Attributes Symbols
Adj Close ANZ.AX 2.304000e+01
APT.AX 1.190000e+02
FMG.AX 2.480000e+01
Close ANZ.AX 2.304000e+01
APT.AX 1.190000e+02
FMG.AX 2.480000e+01
High ANZ.AX 2.314000e+01
APT.AX 1.223000e+02
FMG.AX 2.480000e+01
Low ANZ.AX 2.276000e+01
APT.AX 1.190000e+02
FMG.AX 2.370000e+01
Open ANZ.AX 2.276000e+01
APT.AX 1.196800e+02
FMG.AX 2.371000e+01
Volume ANZ.AX 3.207879e+06
APT.AX 9.625380e+05
FMG.AX 6.402739e+06
Name: 2021-01-03 00:00:00, dtype: float64
so when you write back df.loc[idx, 'Bullish Engulfing']
this is not stock specific.
you would be better off with a groupby and doing it all stock by stock.
Pandas Multiindex Groupby on Columns will show you how to do that.