class App {
function __construct($settings) {
/*if(isset($settings->preload)) {
} else {
for ($i = 0; $i <= sizeof($settings->preload); $i++) {
spl_autoload_register(function($class_name) {
require_once ''.$settings->preload[$i].$class_name.'.php';
Hello, I am writing my own php specific framework as other frameworks just can't do the job I want done,
This is a behemoth of a task I have decided to change my "Routing System" which has entailed me to preload selected classes that are dragged in from the $settings
param. I'm passing a "Settings" class into my class constructor param, which is being accessed, I have checked the array count and also checked if it isset which it is, however once it goes into the for loop it is null
Warning: Undefined variable $settings in /***/*****/****/PHPFRAMEWORK/System/App.php on line 6
The for loop is just to preload classes that are added into the Settings class.
My Question is
You are not taking into account the scope of the variables within a function.
If you want "settings" available inside the nested function you need to pass it as a parameter:
Inside your for loop, if you want settings to be available, you need to pass $settings as a parameter to the anonymous function you are introducing into spl_autoload_register:
spl_autoload_register(function($class_name`, $settings) {
require_once ''.$settings->preload[$i].$class_name.'.php';
PS: The first time I tried to build my own Autoloader I built something similar. I don't want to tell you not to try to build your own, but I do recommend you to look into namespaces and PSR-4 autoloading.