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Add self-closing tags using juicePreserveTags options within an MJML Gulp task

I'm using a clone of the git Repo:

How can I add the configuration options found here

config.juicePreserveTags='{"imgTag": { "start": "<img", "end": "/>" }, "brTag": { "start": "<br", "end": "/>" }}'

I have tried that:

export function buildMjml() {
  const options = {
    beautify: true,
    minify: false,
    keepComments: false,
    juicePreserveTags: '{"imgTag": { "start": "<img", "end": "/>" }, "brTag": { "start": "<br", "end": "/>" }}',

  return gulp.src(PATHS.mjml.src).pipe(mjmlGulp(mjml, options)).pipe(gulp.dest(PATHS.dist));

But this don't add the closing tags to the image and br tags


  • the options should be set as a valid js object.

    juicePreserveTags: {
      imgTag: { "start": "<img", "end": "/>" }, 
      brTag: { "start": "<br", "end": "/>" }